Sunday, June 27, 2010


  • Do you know that the highest mountain under the sea there is in Indonesia and a height of 8700 m in the bottom of the sea.
  • Do you know that the Hawaiian Islands was known as the sandwich Islands.
  • Do you know that the lightning flash take of time about one-thousandth of the second.
  • Do you know that the heart beats in the morning faster than in the evening.
  • Do you know that the people of Baka are people of pygmies are living in forest in Cameroon.
  • Do you know that the name of Venezuela means Small Hazelnut
  • Do you know that mosquitoes prefer to bite people with white skin and blond hair.
  • Do you know that the growth of middle finger's nail is the fastest, while the growth of your thumb nail is the slowest.
  • Do you know that vessels are sailing in the cold water faster than warm water.
  • Do you know that the lion leaves the lioness to hunt 90% of the prey. And before the lioness eating the prey she puts aside the lion's share.
  • Do you know that the camel stronger animal in the memory and the dolphin smarter animal and turkeys dumbest animal.
  • Do you know that elephant cry when be sad.
  • Do you know that body of the butterfly contains 49 muscle
  • Do you know that dolphin closes one eye when sleeping
  • Do you know that longest time to person in the case of constipation was 102 days .WOW. Do you like it?


  1. 1. nice information dear waled.
    2.But I blame you when write the title as a contraction.
    3.Do you Know about six points from what you said.
    4.I disagree with you about the case of constipation.
    5.I will believe you in one case ,if this happened with you exactly.

  2. 1. Why Hawaii Island is known as the Sandwish Island?
    2. Why the heart beat is faster morning than evening?
    3. I disagree with you about Venezuela. It is the name of two territories forming one country.
    4. I disagree with you about mosquitos, they prefer on the contrary black things. It is why they turn around the hair.
    5. dolphins are wright, it is safe not to sleep with two eyes closed.

  3. 1- Brother wiliam thank for your heard topic.

    2- In fact i have never evere known about this information.

    3- But i benefited from this topic.

    4- Your topic is very heard to comment about it.

    5- I gree with you, and in a world of knowledg i believ evry thing, thank you again.

  4. 1. This topics is so difficult to answer for me.
    2. Could you tell me why vessels are sailing in the cold water faster than warm water?
    3. I have heard only once that the Hawaiian Islands was known as ANDWITCH ISLANDS.
    4. I don't like about the case of constipation.
    5. Thank you for interesting in topics, William!

  5. 1-Thank you about this infromation.
    2-My opinion like my friends it's difficult topic.
    3-I am sure this topic take from you alot of effort.
    4-Much infromation in this topic it's new, Idon't know before.
    5-This topic new addition for my infromation.

  6. 1- It is a great deal of information in this topic, William.
    2- Its another information added to our memory.
    3- Most of these info I don't knew it.
    4- Why you didn't not put information about your country in here.
    5- Keep going my friend, we need more information in next topics. Thanks

  7. 1.William, you give us the hard topics.
    2.I haven't known some information.
    3.I'm interested in these information, especially about butterfly.
    4.But I can't agree with about the heart beat.
    5.I think that William come up with new various ideas to write comment.

  8. 1- These are good invormation thank you.
    2- really elephant cry, i do not think.
    3- dolphin close one eyes when sleeping why?
    4- I dissagree with you dolphin smarter animal.
    5- this topic has more information.

  9. 1.thank you for your effort.
    2.what is the source for this topic.
    3.the protin will be (andol) posion in the larg intestine.
    4.the liver would be work hard to fight the posions in the case of constipation. you know what i know!

  10. 1. Dolphins actually let each half of their brain sleep in turn.
    2. That is probably why they close only one of their eyes.
    3. However, because the other half of the brain is still active, they don't look like sleeping at all.
    4. In the history of human beings, there was at least one man who never slept in his whole life.
    5. But nobody really knew why he did not have to sleep.

    DID you know that the highest mountain under the sea * is in Indonesia and ITS height IS 8700 m FROM the bottom of the sea?
    DID you know that the Hawaiian Islands WERE known as the sandwich Islands?
    DID you know that the lightning flash takeS * about one-thousandth of A second?
    DID you know that the HEARTBEATS in the morning ARE faster than in the evening?
    DID you know that the people of Baka are THE people of pygmies WHO are living in A forest in Cameroon?
    DID you know that the name of Venezuela means Small Hazelnut?
    DID you know that mosquitoes prefer to bite people with white skin and blond hair?
    DID you know that the growth of THE middle finger's nail is the fastest, while the growth of your thumb nail is the slowest?
    DID you know that vessels * sailing in the cold water ARE faster than THOSE IN THE warm water?
    DID you know that the lion leaves the lioness to hunt 90% of the prey? And before the lioness EATS the prey, she puts aside the lion's share.
    DID you know that the camel HAS THE STRONGEST(?) MEMORY and the dolphin IS THE SMARTEST(?) animal and turkeys ARE THE dumbest animal?
    DID you know that elephantS cry when THEY ARE sad?
    DID you know that A body of A butterfly contains 49 muscleS?
    DID you know that dolphinS close one OF THEIR eyeS when sleeping?
    DID you know that THE longest time OF CONSTIPATION OF A person was 102 days .WOW. Do you like it?
