Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fast Food

  1. Do you agree when you hear the words 'Fast Food' it's meaning by some way McDonald's or KFC or .....
  2. Name of fast food is absolutely true, fast food is fast. isn't it?
  3. Nowdays, we can find McDonald's almost in more than hunred country around the world.
  4. Food on fast food become way of live for most of people especially in the US.
  5. For example, in the US you need to drive about five minutes to the next fast food resturant ( the big sign of McDonald's which is big M letter as gold letter).
  6. I think people like fast food because of, shorten time, low price and aslo good taste.
  7. Some people like to get the same kind of food where ever they go, so they can find it in McDonald's or others fast food resturant.
  8. Now fast food resturant's spreading over the world, such as McDonald's and KFC and King Burger.
  9. Fast food includes high calories, fat and salt which are the reasons of gain weight.
  10. As a family, some times we need to spend good time togother around eating table, but will never hapen that in fast food resturants.
  11. Eating fast food is convenient or not, to many wast or not, high price or not, we need yo ask ourselves these equestions.
  12. Today, when I watched the ABCNEWS on TV, they offer report about how McDonald's pairing toys with meal.
  13. They put toys in front of kids trying to get their attention and to get them into their resturants!
  14. Do you think fast food is healthy, cheap, convenient?
  15. Enjoy with your Burgar or with your KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) oh yes um..um...mah Delicious!!


  1. 1.I agree with you, siso!
    2.Because I intended to write these things at next post.
    3.Fast foods are convenient, not expensive, and so spread in all over the world.
    4.But they are not so healthful for us.
    5.I often eat them, I must be careful...and you.

  2. 1- I agree with your topics!
    2- Recently I make an effort not to eat fast food.
    3- Because they are high calories,and not healthful.
    4- However, I think fast foods are convenient for some people who have no enough time.
    5- I think the cost of fast foods is not cheap.

  3. 1. Thanks for the topic, it comes at the right moment
    2. Fast food is made in short time and it's cheaper
    3. It's a creation of consumer society. People are in an awful hurry and have no time to have a good meal at home.
    4. French people call him "the worse meal"
    5. The most drawback is it can further cardiovascular deases.

  4. 1-I think the kind of food convenient the system alot of people.
    2-I agree with you about point (6).
    3-I think most people like fast food beacuse smilliar in each place.
    4-About point(11) kind of advertising.
    5-I think the fast food not healthy.

  5. 1- Fast food good for our situation, because we do not have sufficient time to prepare food.
    2-In fact, fast food does not have good taste.
    3- Fast food scattered across America, because I see a lot of people here are overweight.
    4- In Libya, there are a lot of restaurants that sell junk food.
    5- In Libya, there are also restaurants that sell traditional meal.

  6. 1 I agree with you. It is good topic to discuss.
    2 I heard that almost American family cooking just two time a year Easter day and Christmas.
    3 Fast food made big problem in the US, there are 31% of cildren in us is obisty.
    4 Fast food unhealthy food.
    5 For me, I always cook my food. Libyan food is healthy food. thank you for this topic.

  7. 1- I agree with you about all things did you say.
    2- fast food means food not healthy this is true.
    3- I know many people go there because cheap and
    4- I agree with you it puts some people out their MC try to get some children.
    5- For me, i do not like it, i like to cook my food, but when i have a lot of work, i go there.

  8. 1.Nice and important topic my friend.
    2.I disagree with you about eating this food.
    3.The fast food began more popular than befor, after Macdonles opened a lot of resturants in the world.
    4.The life began fast than befor that is why people like the fast food.
    5.Fast food resturnts made a good exploitationto attract the people.

  9. 1- when i was in Libya i Interested in fast food.
    2-But when I come here at USA i miss my mother cooking.
    3-Now i think the home food is better than the fast food.
    4-fast food often has a lot of fat , so it's not healthy.
    5- fast food changed my life!

  10. 1- I agree with your topic siso hundred %.

    2- I don not know why people said fast food not healthy.

    3- I love fast food so much,because somtimse idont have time to cock.

    4- The fast very important to save time.

    5- We can choose the best one to eat.

  11. 1. Recently, a court convicted Ronaldo Mcdonaldo of the obesity of US children.
    2. Well, is he really to blame, or the company itself?
    3. In NY, McDonaldo included how much calories each many had in the menu to warn the customers.
    4. However, contrary to the expectation, their sales have even boosted since then.
    5. Then, the true criminals are the customers, or are they still victims?

    1. Do you agree THAT, when you hear the words 'Fast Food', THEY MEAN * McDonald's or KFC or SOMETHING ELSE IN SOME WAY?
    2. THE Name of fast food is absolutely true BECAUSE fast food is fast. isn't it?
    3. NOWADAYS, we can find McDonald's * in more than A HUNDRED COUNTRIES around the world.
    4. THE Food AT fast food RESTAURANTS HAS become A way of livING for most * people, especially in the US.
    5. For example, in the US, you ONLY need to drive about five minutes to the next fast food RESTAURANT (the big sign of McDonald's which is A big GOLD M letter *).
    6. I think people like fast food because of A SHORT time, THE low price and ALSO THE good taste.
    7. Some people like to get the same kind of food WHEREVER they go, so they can find it in McDonald's or OTHER fast food RESTAURANTS.
    8. Now, fast food RESTAURANTS ARE spreading over the world, such as McDonald's, * KFC and * Burger KING.
    9. Fast food includes high calories, fat, and salt, which IS the REASON of gainING weight.
    10. As a family, SOMETIMES, we need to spend A good time TOGETHER around THE table, but IT will never HAPPEN * in fast food RESTAURANTS.
    12. Today, when I WATCH the ABC NEWS on TV, they offer A report about how McDonald's IS pairing toys with meal.
    13. They put toys in front of kids trying to get their attention and * get them into their RESTAURANTS!
    14. Do you think fast food is healthy, cheap, AND convenient?
    15. Enjoy * your BURGER or * KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Oh yes um..um...SO Delicious!!
