Thursday, June 3, 2010

The computer

1 Computer word derived from compute.
2 The first computer in the world made in 1944.
3 It was taking 0,3 second to solve addition and subtraction.
4 The comuter now become something essential for each person.
5 The coputer could connect the world and made it as small vellage.
6 The computer today you can hold it everywhere.
7 Any person today can use it.
8 The computer now find to every kind and every color in every where.
9 The computer today small, mild, and smart.
10 Today every thing depend on computer.
11 you can pay bill and bay anything by computer.
12 But there are consequences from this.
13 The people became depend on computer in various spheres of life.
14 The computer start controls the mind of people
15 The people shoud depend on themselves.


  1. 1- I agree with you about the first compute made in 1944.
    2- I agree with you the compute has become essential for each person.
    3- I agree with you the computer has made the world likes small vellage.
    4- I agree with you today every thing depend on the computer.
    5- I agree with you the people should not depend to the computer at anything.

  2. 1. I agree with your topic.
    2. I'm sure we can't give up the computer.
    3. When I was in elementary school, Windows has emerged.
    4. I usually buy some books by using internet.
    5. I enjoy editing photos and video by using computer.

  3. 1- I agree with you, the people should depends on themselves.
    2- The people mustn't forget the basics of math.
    3- The computer is very helpful for must of us, just like our case, sending pictures to our family back at home country and talk to them.
    4- In the other hand, people can forget using computers such as old people, for example, my father he doesn't use the computer at all.
    5- This was very good topic to choose. Thankyou

  4. 1. Good topic my friend and I agree with you about it.
    2.Maybe you forget some thing ,it the relation between the computer and the enternet .
    3.Because in some places in this world there is no connection or it's slaw.
    4. If there is no connection the computer will be as the istrument to write and keep the informatio and games.
    5. Thank you for all your information exactly that say the firt computer was in1944, but I will add the first laptop was in1989.

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  6. 1- I agree with you in some information in your topic.
    2- I disagree with you about number 7, because still many people in the world can't use computer.
    3- About number 10 yes, but Where is the book today.
    4- The computer is a sign of globalization.
    5- We must balance between the use the computer and the book.

  7. 1.I agree with you, William.
    2.The computer will progress endlessly.
    3.Now, we need the computer in our life.
    4.We use the computer, but we have not to be used by it.
    5.I'm afraid of the high technologies.

  8. 1. Good topic with computers
    2. I agree with you, I'm quite sure about the fact of every thing depends now on computer
    3. I disagree your sentense "computer starts control the mind of people
    4. I'm sure that man makes computers, but not the opposite
    5. You right to be affraid because with computer, techonogy progress very quickly and it gives us vertigo.

  9. omar
    1-I agree with you about need every person to the computer.
    2-I think a big problem about depend people on the computer in works and daily life.
    3-The computer keep the time and easier some difficult operation.
    4-We aren't repudiation useful computer in our live .
    5-The computer evolution quikly but always the evolution his faults.

  10. 1- I agree with you about your nice topic.
    2- The computer is very important for all things in our life.
    3- I Can not Imagen our life with out computer.
    4- We use the computer every day about every things.
    5- The best idea in this topic, the world be small village after computer.

  11. 1-Yes William, these information aright.
    2-About myself, I can't live without computer.
    3-All our dreams becam true with the computer.
    4-I think in the future it will be more important than now.
    5- And the life it will be easier than before.

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  20. What did Akrm post so many times?

    1. Although I can't imagine living without a computer now, I did not have any until I became a junior high school student.
    2. Also, I could not use the internet until I went to college.
    3. I wonder how people lived without e-mail, text, and cell phones although it is only 20 years ago or so.
    4. Some day, computers may have mind like we do as shown in some movies.
    5. You can ask them to do your homework for you.

    1 THE WORD "Computer" WAS derived from THE WORD, "compute."
    2 The first computer in the world WAS made in 1944.
    3 It TOOK 0.3 second to DO addition and subtraction.
    4 The COMPUTER HAS now become something essential for each person.
    5 The COMPUTER CAN connect YOU TO the world and made it LIKE A small VILLAGE.
    6 You can USE A COMPUTER everywhere.
    7 Any person today can use it.
    9 The computer today IS small, mild, and smart.
    10 Today, EVERYTHING depend on computerS.
    11 You can pay A bill and BUY anything by computerS.
    12 But there are consequences OF this.
    13 People became dependENT on computerS in various spheres of life.
    14 The computer startED controlLING the mind of people.
    15 People SHOULD depend on themselves.

  21. YES ! all the electronic devices depend upon computer.
