Friday, June 11, 2010


1.Let me ask these qquestions, what's the symptoms of the stress ? Why the people suffering from stress?
2.Maybe now you will ask me, why you choose this topic?
3.I will answer you, because I have stress and I try to find the soultion for this .
4.The symptoms of stress like the headche,difficulth to breathe, feel sad or nervous for no reason and angre.
5. Over half of adults in US and the world have stress.
6.Stress is now the major health problem of our times.
7. when you don't care about stress it will change to illnesses or heart problem.
8.When you feel under stress your heart rate and blood pressure go up.
9.Scientists discovered the stress laeds to lose of brain cells.
10.The most common cause of stress is work hard problems with your colleagues and studing VIPP classes.
11.when you have stress you will not work as well as usual.
12.The soultion for that is relaxing for several days and sleep enguh time.
13.Every weekends go out side to picnicsor see your friends.
14.See the doctor If every of these soltions it not relax you.
15.My colleagues please give me more soltions in your commints.


  1. 1- I agree with your a nice topics!Wail!
    2- I also have stress.
    3- I'm sure most of people have stress in Japan.
    4- Currently the percentage of the suicide caused by stress have been increasing every year.
    5- I'm sure the best stress release is to talk and play with family, friends,colleagues.

  2. 1-Thank you about this topic wail.
    2-Wail,I think this problem has everyone but that different rate.
    3-If you have extra time can you do exercise that useful for you.
    4-I know don't have time but necessary do it.
    5-Issues our life I think the main reason about this stress.

  3. 1- Yes, we all have stress, but each case its different. Nice topic friend.
    2- For solution, you have to relax, use Japanes way for relax!
    3- For solution, we need organizing our time, like divide the time to specifics.
    4- I don't advice you to sleep a lot because oyu well go to do always then its be bad.
    5- Try to hang out with the family when you feel stressful and have ice cream, you'll feel better.

  4. 1. I think you should do what siso said in his comment at number five.
    2.stress is nuture situation today. can try to hit walls by your hands or break some dishes from your kitchen.
    4.another solution for you is calling psychologist.
    5.without struggle there is no progress my brother.

  5. 1.I agree with wail, but are you ok, do you feel stress so strong?
    2.Most people should feel stress.
    3.Some people have hard works and others are conditioned by environment.
    4.I certainly have a stomachache when I feel strong stress.
    5.When I feel stress, I never do anything and relax with listening favorate music.

  6. 1- My friend I hope you be better.
    2- I agree with you this is problem for all people in the world.
    3- If you need feel relax you should see people who has a big aproblem more than your case.
    4- Donot forget allah can chang your case any time just be patient.
    5- In fact just your heart can tell you the soltion.

  7. 1- I agree with you many people have stress.


    4- I dicagree with you to see a doctor becaus i thin even the doctor has stress too.
    5- Thank you wail this is intersting topic.

  8. 1- I am sorry about your problem.
    2- The crisis create the men.
    3- I advise you patience and prayer.
    4- I think all people in the world are under stress
    5- you should continua even access to your goals.

  9. 1 I agree with you the stress is bad thing.
    2 I have stress too. I study about 30 hours a week.
    3 Everyone has stress.
    4 We have to do some sport disposal of it.
    5 thank you for this topic.

  10. 1. Yes, I absolutely agree with you about stress
    2. Nowadays as you have written, it is one of the major health problem.
    3. I think, you know the solution of your problem, because you have just itemized solutions.
    4. You must take a rest for some days.
    5. I know you are afraid of missing class, but I think it worth trying.


  11. 1- Thank you Wail, about this good subject.
    2-I agree with you 100 %.
    3-Because i have stress over all my day.
    4- And I don't have enough time for relax.
    5- realy I feel seck under stress.

  12. 1. I am sorry to hear that you have a lot of stress.
    2. I hope it is not coming from my class!
    3. Although everyone has stress, I don't feel it that much.
    4. Life is a journey full of surprises. Life is fun because it is unpredictable.
    5. That is why I can enjoy my busy life.

    1. Let me ask these QUESTIONS: What's the SYMPTOM of * stress ? Why ARE * people suffering from stress?
    2. Maybe now, you will ask me: Why DID you choose this topic?
    3.I will answer you because I have stress and I AM tryING to find the SOLUTION for this .
    4.The symptoms of stress ARE like * HEADACHE, DIFFICULTY to breathe, feelINGS sad or nervous for no reason, and ANGER.
    5. Over A half of adults in THE US and IN the world have stress.
    6.Stress is now ONE OF the major health problemS of our times.
    7. When you don't care about stress, it will change to illnesses or A heart problem.
    8.When you feel under stress, your heart rate and blood pressure go up.
    9.Scientists discovered * stress CAUSES A LOSS of brain cells.
    10.The most common cause of stress is TO work hard ON problems with your colleagues and STUDYING IN VIPP classes.
    11.When you have stress, you will not BE ABLE TO work * as usual.
    12.The SOLUTION for IT is relaxing for several days and sleepING FOR ENOUGH time.
    13.Every WEEKEND, go OUTSIDE to A PICNIC OR see your friends.
    14.See the doctor If NONE of these SOLUTIONS * relaxES you.
    15.My colleagues, please give me more SOLUTIONS in your COMMENTS.
