Monday, May 24, 2010

Let's study abroad!

1. Nowadays, many people study abroad in the world.

2. Some people think it is a waste of money and time, but I think it worth trying.

3. When I came to the US for the first time, I was only 15 years old, and I was not able to speak English at all.

4. However, because there was no one to speak Japanese with me, I had to speak English all day.

5. It was hard at first, but eventually, my English improved a lot.

6. Without that chance, my English must be so poor still now.

7. The reason for studying abroad is not only language but also experience.

8. Coming to a different country, you live in a culture that is different from yours.

9. Also you see a lot of people from different cultures from all over the world.

10. Talking to them, you are exposed to a variety of ways of thinking, which you can never feel if you stay in your country.

11. However, I must admit that whether a person can utilize the chance depends on her/him.

12. If you hang around only with those people from the same country as yours, it does not make any difference from staying in your home country.

13. So we should make friends with many people from different countries.

14. Although it costs a lot of money, this is the reason why I think people should study abroad.

15. I hope you all enjoy living in the US while studying in the ELC, and make friends with each other.


  1. 1. In fact i agree with your opinion .
    2.To learn another language very important to learn a lot .
    3. You can get big experience when you study abrod .
    4. You can meet a lot of students in USA as what i saw.
    5. when you study abroad all your dreams can come true .

  2. 1.I agree with you Nobi.
    2. because I am at the same case.
    3. I spend a lot of money to learn the English language but I don't learn more than this four months.
    4.Another thing I agree with you about the culture because I learn a lot about it more than I heard before.
    5.The last thing I agree with you the friends from another Nationality, until now I have more good friends from another country.

  3. 1. I agree with your idea.
    2. I think it is deserve to experience.
    3. Living with different culture, you'll receive too many things that you.
    4. Of course hanging out with people from your country doesn't make different from staying in own country, because you'll never learn more you have learned.
    5. Making friends from different cultures or countries will give you more challenge to study and learn their language. on the other hand, studying cost a lot of money as you said.

  4. 1. I agree with your idea.
    2. There are many people learned English in their countries that is not impossible.
    3. you can know many things about culture or tradition.
    4.when you make friends also you can improve your English more than without them.
    5. All people are busy in here sometimes you can not find any one to talk with him/her.

  5. 1. I agree with your idea.
    2. that is because I had a similar experience
    3. I studied in Soviet Union in the 80th
    4. And I learned Russian in Mali three years ago
    5. When I arrived in Moscow,in one month, I hit the level of three years in Mali and I spook better the Russian.
    6. It bring me better acquaintance of other cultures and people.

  6. 1- I agree with you Nobi.
    2- Specially with the sentence number 12 .
    3- And I fan any one who needs to learn any language he/her should stay in the country that speak this language.
    4- and i support the opinion that says when the person have a chance to study any language in his/her childhood that is better than when he/her learn this in older age.
    5- I hope to learn English quickly because it will be the 3th language for me.

  7. 1. I agree with you.
    2. Because this important experience.
    3.When I going out with another people that is useful for me.
    4.always the beginning is hard. but we must to give extra effort.
    5.I think all people found difficult to learn language.

  8. 1.I agree with your idea.
    2.Because I have a experience like you.
    3.When I lived in US,I was child and I couldn't speak English too.
    4.I met a lot of people and experienced for cultures,they was changed me.
    5.So I think that it is important to have experience in other country in my life.

  9. 1. I think i agree with your opinion because i see a lot of people study out their country and i agree with studing out my country i will be better.
    2. I i agree with your opinion about the first time you came here because off course you will find difficult to learn English.
    3. off course if some one speaks his language out class you will not improve his language.
    4- I agree with you about i came here not just learn English but i want to see different culture.
    5- off course i enjoy in elc because all teachers are good and i have made a lot friends

  10. 1. In fact I agree with your opinion.
    2. To learn another language is very important.
    3. You can have precious experience when you study abroad.
    4. You can meet a lot of students in the USA like all my friends.
    5. When you study abroad all your dreams can come true.

  11. 1.I agree with you.
    2.To study in different countries, it takes a lot of money.
    3.I think it is important to see a lot of people from difference cultures.
    4.I think it is most important to make many friends from different countries in order to improve English skill.
    5.I would like to make many friends.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I agree with you because the abroad more helpful.
    you right for example I took advantage from it.
    yes, many people comeback to their country without language.
    yes, because country as USA has many things.

  14. 1. NOWADAYS, MANY people study abroad in the * world

  15. 1 I agree with you.
    2 when I came from Lipya I couldn't speak English, but now I am now not bad speak English.
    3 I can live with any cultres, beacuse i want learn so much about anther cultres. I agree with you.
    4 I hope know to new people.
    5 i agree with you , the study here very expensiv.
