Friday, May 28, 2010

Teens agree texting more than talking

  1. Today's teens constantly on the phone.

  2. They're doing a lot more texting than talking.

  3. One third of teens in the U.S. text more than 100 times a day.

  4. Text messaging is most common way that teenager between 12 and 17 communicate with each other.

  5. More than 75 percent of teens now own phones.

  6. Those 12 to 17 years old , half of them send 50 or more text message a day, while 15 percent send more than 200 instant every day.

  7. Result vary by gender and age, boys send and receive around 30 text messages each day, while girls send and receive around 80 per day.

  8. Older girls are the biggest texters with those sending out more than 100 messages a day.

  9. Parents have differend feeling, buy mobile phones for their children so they can keep track of them.

  10. Most parents says the main reason they give their kids phones is to stay in touch with them.

  11. Half of parents limit the amount of time their kids can use the phone, 62 percent of them look at the contents of their kid's phone, 64 percent of them take a phone from their kids for punishment.

  12. I think, techers wild about use of cell phones, so its most important to ban or limit use the phones in the classroom.

  13. Control teens to use and how to use cell phones is important to the parents and also to teens selves.

  14. I think, its very good to have this technology on our hands, and its important to know how to use it.

  15. I send few text mesages per month but I send a few e mail messages per day, for communicate, I like to use internet or face to face.


  1. 1.THIs is good subject to talk about it.
    2.Many doctors are talking about how can we protect our self of this technology.
    3.It affects on our mind if we used it much.
    4.It is good way to follow children.
    5.The big companies do not care about electronic waste.

  2. 1.yes, seso t agree with you are a smart guy to notes this behavior.
    2.I notes this behavior and I thought what was the reson for that.
    3.The first thing is the text massege is cheapest than calls.
    4.Always girls receie masseges and calls more than boys (hahahaha) this is the live seso. like you seso I don't agree about useing text masseges because I like to use internet or face to face.

  3. 1. Teens live ther days
    2. Mobile phones were appaeared recently and teens always like servin advenced technologies.
    3. You said that they are constantly using tex messagings, but why? In the text I dont'find the answer.
    4. May be because text message is not expensive?
    5. Nowadays, use of mobile phone solves many questions and layes lot of problems.

  4. 1.I agree with Siso.
    2.This problem is same as Japan, and it is very serious.
    3.Text message is very easy to make contact with somebody and it is cheap.
    4.But if there were it when I was teenager, I may use it usually.
    5.I think it is important to communicate to face to face.

  5. 1 first this topic very important to talk about.
    2 The electrons befor were not important in our life
    3 If we comeback to ten years ago. We will find many things we did not need it.But now it is very important.
    4 The text message became very important. The people use it especailly in the events.
    5 thank you for this topic.

  6. nobi
    level 2
    1.I agree with you.
    2.I think use text by phone more learn writting.
    3.All people must use technology.
    4When we use technology that help us to do alot things.
    5.I think own phone or any technology contraction the time and affort.

  7. 1-thank you Siso for this interesting information about SMS.
    2- I think the most of people in US And around the world they were dont use the mobile as now.
    3- The scientists still until now dont sure if there are any healthy problems with using mobail.
    4-I agree with you Siso in the line number 14 it's good for us to have this technology, but we should know how we can use it.
    5-I think in the future our world is going to big change with technology.

  8. 1- I agrre with you, becuase SMS very important today.
    2- Adolescents use phone more than adults.
    3- Now, we should use pohone even communicate with thers.
    4- Mobil phone and SMS faster than the regular letter.
    5- I hope all the technology in the service of people in the world.

  9. 1- I gree with 100 % .
    2- The phone today is very important to keep in tutch with people .
    3- To use SMS is very good to save the time and mpney.
    4- All people in the world use this technology as the any ather important things.
    5- By the calls and SMS you can contiue with any one in any place and any time.

  10. 1.I agree with you.
    2.I was surprised that 75 percent of teens are using own mobile phone.
    3.I can't believe that teens are doing more texting than talking.Because I usually only call by mobile phone.
    4.I think a face-to-face communication is very important more than texting.
    5.I think it is importanat to know how to use a technology for us from now.

  11. 1. I seldom use texting although I use e-mail a lot.
    2. I even did not have a cell phone when I was in NYC for 1.5 years.
    3. As you and other people wrote, face-to-face communication is the most important.
    4. So whenever I have an important thing to talk about, I do not use e-mail but call her/him instead.
    5. I hope teenagers also realize that in the future.

    1. Today's teens ARE constantly on the phone.
    2. They're doing a lot more texting than talking.
    3. One third of teens in the U.S. text more than 100 times a day.
    4. Text messaging is THE most common way that teenagerS between 12 and 17 communicate with each other.
    5. More than 75 percent of teens now own phones.
    6. Those TEENAGERS AT THE AGE BETWEEN 12 AND 17 *, A half of them send 50 or more text messageS a day, while 15 percent send more than 200 instant(?) every day.
    7. ResultS vary by gender and age. Boys send and receive around 30 text messages each day while girls send and receive around 80 per day.
    8. Older girls are the BUSIEST texters WHO SEND out more than 100 messages a day.
    9. Parents have DIFFERENT feelingS, AND buy mobile phones for their children so they can keep track of them.
    10. Most parents SAY the main reason they give their kids phones is to stay in touch with them.
    11. A Half of parents limit the amount of time their kids can use the phone, 62 percent of them look at the contents of their kid's phone, 64 percent of them take THE phone AWAY from their kids for punishment.
    12. IN MY OPINION, TEACHERS wild(?) about THE use of cell phones, so IT IS THE most important to ban or limit THE use the phones in the classroom.
    13. ControlLING teens AND TEACHING THEM how to use cell phones is important to the parents and also to teens THEMselves.
    14. IN MY OPINION, IT IS very good to have this technology IN our hands, and * important to know how to use it.
    15. I send few text MESSAGES per month but I send a few e mail * per day. For communicatION, I like to use THE internet or face to face INTERACTION.

  12. 1- I agree with you but i think not just teens i think old people also.
    2- I agree with you about the are doing text more than talking.
    3-I disagree with you about text most common at teenager at age 12 because this is child.
    4-I agree with you more than 75% from teenager has cell phone
    5-I agree with you teenager sometimes use cell phone in bad things so we must watch them.
