Friday, May 21, 2010

pubilation basketball in America

  1. American people made this game even different another people.
  2. Institution basketball American Association BAA in 1946.
  3. The first match was in 11/01/1946.
  4. Changed BAA to National basketball of American NBA IN 1967.
  5. This sport very important in American compar another sports.
  6. There are alot of teams specialy this game.
  7. Anywhere,you will find some people play.
  8. Those teams spend alot of money.
  9. All cannals on TV when came news foucs on the basketball.
  10. They specialy important time on TV.
  11. Most forgian became much infromation about basketball.
  12. Now. the famouse team is Chigaco bols.
  13. This game take about %13 from all sports there are in America.
  14. The NBA earn alot of money from the basketball.
  15. Any kind of sport. Iam sure is useful all people.


  1. Nice to meet you.
    I hope it is OK.

  2. منور ع الصورة عمر have agoood day.

  3. 1- this is nice subject to we talk about it, I agree with you.
    2- Its very good information to know it about this game.
    3- I agree with you about TV channals and its good to have these channals.Because I love to watch the game.
    4- I know chigaco bols is very famous but I like Michigan State team becuse I am here.
    5- I know they spend a lot of money, in the other hand their income is alot of money. Its good to have subject about sport, especialy basketball.
