Friday, May 21, 2010

This is Akrm
  1. hello
  2. My name is Akrm Alnayed.
  3. I am from Libya.
  4. I am 28.
  5. I am enjoyed studying with a nice people.
  6. It is pleasure to get to know all of you.


  1. nice picture from libya . you are life there?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1.A rice is an important food for most people around the world.
    2.It can grows everywhere on the dry land or wet land and in desert.
    3.There are more than 140.000 kind of rice in the world.
    4.We can use the rice to produce many things such as paper,bread and toothpaste.
    5.In some countries the rice is major food for example in myanmar each person eat half kilo of rice every day.
    6.There are famous type of food with rice such as suhi in japan and rice with beans in the south america.
    7.Every year the world produce more than 500 million tonns of rice.
    8.Rice now is in danger.
    9.Wars are major case and pollution for that.
    10.the united nation declared 2004 the international year of rice.
    11.Without rice 50% of world's poplution can not find another food to survive.
    12.There are programs to produce the rice belong to the UN.
    13.The big countries do not follow the UN program regarding the pollution.
    14.Africa is the solotion through rice African center.
    15. I hope to this center a successful.
