Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. A rice is an important food for most people around the world.
2.It can grows everywhere on the dry land or wet land and in desert.
3.There are more than 140.000 kind of rice in the world.
4.We can use the rice to produce many things such as paper,bread and toothpaste.
5.In some countries the rice is major food for example in myanmar each person eat half kilo of rice every day.
6.There are famous type of food with rice such as suhi in japan and rice with beans in the south america.
7.Every year the world produce more than 500 million tonns of rice.
8.Rice now is in danger.
9.Wars are major case and pollution for that.
10.the united nation declared 2004 the international year of rice.
11.Without rice 50% of world's poplution can not find another food to survive.
12.There are programs to produce the rice belong to the UN.
13.The big countries do not follow the UN program regarding the pollution.
14.Africa is the solotion through rice African center.
15. I hope to this center a successful.


  1. 1. I agree with you, rice is iportant food for most of people around the world.
    2. Its new to me to know this a lot of kind of rice.
    3- Its another new information to me, that the rice is a survivng item for half populatin of the world.
    4- Hopefully big countries follow UN grograms to regard the contamination.
    5- Rice in danger now because of another thing who is the changes happened in the weather.

  2. 1.I agree with you.
    2.Rice is most important foods for me and I can't live without rice.
    3.In Japan, most people eat rice as a staple foods at least twice a day.
    4.Anyway I was surprised that there are more than 140,000 kinds of rice in the world.
    5.I also hope African Rice Center will be successful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1.I agree with you.
    2.I like rice and almost people in my country useally eat it.
    3.It is suprised me that the world produce more than 500 million tonns of rice every year.
    4.I didn't know about rice African center.
    5.I hope to be successful in rice African center too.

  5. 1.I agree with you about what you said,because you give us a particler information.
    2.I disagree with you about plant the rice in desert it so expensive.
    3.A bout African I think it will be a good place for plant the rice.

  6. 4.The UN sould takecare about plant the rice because it cheap and it's for poor people.
    5. I don't plam you because you give us a good examples for type of cook rice, but you forgot our traditional rice it name (Kalot rice).
    I made a mistake when I press the key of seand before I finsh number 4 and five.

  7. 1.I agree with you ,I think the rice important
    food for most people.
    2.In fact ,the first time I know there are
    140,000 kind of rice
    3.I think about rice it is became of the
    important from tradition most countries.
    4.Now,the food became important International
    matters specialy the rice.
    5.I wish find any solution about this matter.

  8. 1.I'm agree with you about rice for his importance in the feeding of world'population.
    2. In my country, rice comes in the second place after sorghum in the feeding of population
    3.Did You talk about type of food with rice?
    4.Never forget our " Tiebu Dieny "in west Africa, a sensational meal of rice with fish and vegetables.
    4.I am in this field it'the reason why I am not surprise about your writting.
    5. In finish, try to grow rice in dry soilwithout irrigation is a waste of money and time

  9. 1- I agree with you one hundred percent .
    2- Ithink there are alot of health benefits for the body.
    3- and rice give us many energy to be astrong.
    4- Ride the first food bowl in all the contries in the world.
    5- Finly thank you akram for your supject and all the information.

  10. 1 I agree with you. The rice is very important food.
    2 Many country depend on rice as majar meal.
    3 You are right about Africa, but you did not explain more about it.
    4 The information about kind of rice made me Surpris.
    5 I hope to be there more Serious about find sulotion.

  11. 1- I agree with you about rice.
    2- some strong country use strest on poor country about rice.
    3- There are some country is rice first prodution.
    4- Use rice in industry sweets, wine, beer and bread.
    5- I like rice with anythink and rice very popular in my country (LIBYA)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1-Thank you Akrm for this new and exiting information.
    2-I think the origin home for rice is some parts from Asia.
    3-The most kind is famus around the world is Indian rice.
    4-The rice can’t grow up in the cold weather.
    5-And I need to ask you Akrm, why you chose the rice subject exactly?

  14. 1-I agree with you about the rice is the most important food for people.
    2-I do not agree with you about it can not grow on any where around the earth.
    3-I do not agree with you about the rice is in danger because we have alot of farm for produce a rice.
    4-I agree with you about without rice 50% of world's populotin can not find another food.
    5-I agree with you about there is famous food with rice because in my country we have alot of types of food with rice.

  15. 1. Well, who can disagree with you about rice?
    2. I like bread and noodle, but at the same time, I don't think I can live without rice.
    3. My family just got a new rice cooker, which is bigger and more advanced than the one we had until now.
    4. I guess you guys also eat a lot of rice in your country.
    5. Lastly, Whenever you write a proper noun, such as a name of a country, the first letter must be capital.

    1. Rice is an important food for most people around the world.
    2. It can GROW everywhere on the dry * AND wet land and EVEN in desert.
    3.There are more than 140.000 KINDS of rice in the world.
    4. We can use * rice to produce many things, such as paper, bread and toothpaste.
    5. In some countries, * rice is major food. For example, in Myanmar, each person eatS A half kilo of rice every day.
    6. There are famous typeS of food with rice, such as SUSHI in Japan and rice with beans in * South America.
    7. Every year, the world PRODUCES more than 500 million TONS of rice.
    8. Rice now is in danger.
    9. Wars AND POLLUTION are THE major CAUSE * for that.
    10. The United Nation declared 2004 the international year of rice.
    11. Without rice, 50% of world's POPULATION can not find another KIND OF food to survive ON.
    12. There are programs to produce * rice belongING to the UN.
    13. Big countries do not follow the UN program regarding the pollution.
    14. Africa is the SOLUTION(?) through THE Rice African Center.
    15. I hope this center WILL BE successful.
