Saturday, May 22, 2010

Self-introduction of Satoshi

  1. Hello, everyone
  2. My name is Satoshi Miyamoto.
  3. Please call me "Satoshi" or "Soh".
  4. I'm a Japanese paintig artist.
  5. "Soh Miyamoto" is my painter's name.
  6. I'm from Kyoto in Japan.
  7. I have been married for six months.
  8. My wife is a student of ELC too.
  9. I have been in East Lansing for 1 year before 26 years.
  10. I have taught art in junior high school for 10 years.
  11. I like music, especially 60's, 70's rock, funk and jazz.
  12. I want to study art in U.S.A.
  13. I hope that I'll be able to speak English well.
  14. I would like to visit Gaalapagos to see the iguana.
  15. I like udon that is Japanese noodle.

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