Sunday, July 18, 2010

Economic Crisis

1- Did you hear in the news about economic crisis in the world?
2- Do you know what does it mean?
3- It is big economy problem have started in USA economic institutions.
4- The banks gave money for people as a mortgage loans to buy and build houses.
5- A lot of people can not return the money to the banks.
6- Lot of banks became bankrupt, with out money.
7- Some big companies closed In USA.
8- After that a lot of countries whose have a strong economic relationships with US found them selves in a big problem.
9- Some of The biggest cars factories stopped to produce new cars.
10- Millions of people around the world became without jobs, Unemployment.
11- Europe, Australia, Asia, South America and some countries in Africa in bad economy satiation.
12- This problem has started to fix since 2009.
13- I think the economic began to make a big control for a political life.
14- Economy starts to control every thing more than governments.
15- I think the world is going to big economic crisis more than this in the future.


  1. 1. Good topic shkre I agree with you.
    2. You kow it was a biggest trick in this world for a small countries.
    3.You that the US which made this trick afther increse the gas prices.
    4.The Arbic aria was the biggest loser in this trick.
    5.My country did not lose any thing in this tick.and I agree with you about there are another tricks in the futhuer .

  2. 1- Yes I know some about this case happened in the world.
    2- I heard that in the USA, Michigan State has more effected from current economic crisis than other States.
    3- I think in some countries, may be some companies behind the country economic crisis.
    4- This situation is not good for people as you explained Shokri and I hope nothing like that happening in future.
    5- Of course the economic is a major part in our life and most of our problems due to economic. Thank you for the nice topic my friend.

  3. 1-I agree with you about this crisis because the results it was very bad.
    2-It was the reason about crash the biggest economics.
    3-This crisis influence on the societial part.
    4-I agree with you about point (10).
    5- Who was responsible about this crisis?

  4. 1- This is good topic to dusccuss thank you shokre.
    2- I agree with what did you write.
    3- In my country no change in our ecnome.
    4- I am afried about our future because shokre you said bad things about futre.
    5- And i agree with you about the ecnome will face bad crisis.

  5. 1.I agree with you, Shokri.
    2.Now, we're in serious the world economic crisis.
    3.Also, it are making deflation in Japan.
    4.Before I came to the US, I thought that it was more severe crisis in the US; however, American people still are shopping with a big cart.
    5.Should I study economics?

  6. 1- As you know alot of countries has the seam case now.

    2- After twenty monthes from the economic crisis there are many countries until the proplem .

    3- Like Spain and Greece in Europe, but it is very crisis.

    4- In fact my country didn't has like this economic crisis.

    5- It was very important topic, good job shokri.

  7. 1. I know the content of this topics.
    2. I agree with you, Shokri. I am always interesting in your topics.
    3. I think the similar problem will happen again in the future.
    4. What do you think how we can prevent a similar problem in the future, shokry?
    5. Thank you for youe nice topics!

  8. 1 This is important topic.
    2 this is big problem in the world.
    3 I agree withyou about namber 3.
    4 the cridet card also has big rol.
    5 Thank you for this topic.

  9. 1. Thanks for this excellent topic. Economy allways guides politics and vice versa.
    2. Ecomomy is the set of overall trade of goods and services, their allotment, distribution and comsuption of wealth in the society.
    3. So crisis in this field will affect the whole society.
    4. I've heard that Michigan felt crisis more than any other state in USA, because of his economy based on car factories which failed.
    5. Inevitably, there will be other crisis, due to overall economy. There was great crisis in 1921!!!

  10. 1- There are those who believe that the financial crisis has weakened America.
    2-But the opposite is true. Financial crisis demonstrated the strength of America.
    3- America passed a lot of financial crises, but America has succeeded in overcoming these crises, such as crisis in 1929.
    4- There are a lot of analysts said that the end of America. I don't think so.
    5- Shokri Well done in choosing this topic.

  11. 1.thank you for this topic Shokry. is creative because of increasing oil price. lose something to reach another is bad idea.
    4.for number seven, they got backing after that.
    5.I do not think so about number 15.

  12. 1. Although this is an important topic, I am no so much interested in economics.
    2. However, even the job of teachers is affected by economics.
    3. When society is in recession, schools do not have many students, so teaches may lose their jobs.
    4. However, the number of the students in the ELC is ever increasing.
    5. But many of them come from China where the economy is still booming.

    1- Did you hear * the news about THE economic crisis in the world?
    2- Do you know what * it MEANS?
    3- It is A big ECONOMIC problem THAT HAS started in US economic institutions.
    4- * Banks gave money TO people as a mortgage loans SO THAT THEY COULD buy and build houses.
    5- A lot of people COULD not return the money to the banks.
    6- Lot of banks became bankrupt WITHOUT money.
    7- Some big companies closed In THE USA.
    8- After that, a lot of countries THAT have a strong economic relationships with THE US found THEMSELVES in a big problem.
    9- Some of The biggest CAR factories stopped to produce new cars.
    10- Millions of people around the world LOST THIER jobs, CAUSING Unemployment.
    11- Europe, Australia, Asia, South America and some countries in Africa ARE STILL in A bad ECONOMIC satiation.
    12- This problem has started to BE FIXED since 2009.
    13- I think the ECONOMY began to make a big control OF a political life.
    14- Economy startED(?) to control * more THINGS than governments.
    15- I think the world is going to ENCOUNTER A BIGGER economic crisis than this in the future.
