Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Book.

1-Historians cannot determine the time of emergence of the first book.
2-But indications are the that happend in Egypt in 2700 BC.
3-Note that the books of ancient Egyption was made up of rolls of papyrus.
4-Then use the same way as the inhabitants of Bablyon in Iraq.
5-The Chinese made writting books on the panels and the rolls of papyrus.
6-After that, the Roman were used to paper skin (slavery) rather than other means.
7-Indians have used palm leaves to write a Vedic Hindu sacred books.
8-Arabic wrote on palm trees and patches of skin.
9-The Roman developed a system of writting.
10-This system of writting using punctuation and capital letters.
11-First books appeared in the mid-fourteenth century.
12-It has evolved and spread to be issued in all written languages and on all know substances.
13-This is describing about the book that way help us for knowledge.
14-The best book I read it called " Events and celebration" .
15-What about you. Could you remmeber the best book read it?.


  1. 1- Thank uoy brother omar for your nice topic.

    2- In fact this is my first time when i know about the oldest book in the world.

    3- My first book i have readen its called Libyan history.

    4- But my best book i have readen called the Amercan Lies for the Amercan writer Noam Chomsky.

    5- I love the books so much and feel so intrested with the books.

  2. 1- It is entersting topic thank you omar.
    2- I like to read about history.
    3- For me i did not read any books because i do not have time to read.
    4- I agree with yoy about Arabic wrote on palm trees and patches of skin.
    5- I agree with all your topic.

  3. 1. Thank you for your interesting topic,Omar.
    2. I didn't know that indication are that it happened in Egypt in 2700BC.
    3. I want to see the first book. Do you know where the first book is exhibited?
    4. The best book I read is Japanese book called Saka no Ue no Kumo.
    5. Nowaday the book is very popular in Japan. I really like this book.

  4. 1. Modern book printing machina was created by German Gutemberg about 1479 BC
    2. It allowed the growth of book production
    3. For Atsu: 2700 BC means 2,700 years Before Christ
    4. I read many books before, but now I have not enough time to read.
    5. I started with adventures like Jules Verne, after that detectives novels, spy stories and romance.

  5. 1.I agree with you about what write.
    2.I read a lot of books in policy and history.
    3.I like to read books more than seach enter net.
    4.The best book I read abot the life of our provet.
    5.what was the first book you think omer?

  6. 1- Of course it is difficult for historians to find out emergence of the first book.
    2- History is a big subject and difficult to discuss about it.
    3- I like to discover about history and all histories are interesting.
    4- I read a lot of book about history and I heard to many story about it, I liked to study about Arab's history.
    5- It was interestin topic Omer, thank you for that and I hope some of you write about Al-Jazera history.

  7. 1 Thank you Omar for this nice topic.
    2 I have diffrent opinion about that the first book was in Egypt.
    3 I like to read book especially books on politics.
    4 I like to live in the events of books in Imagine Iam with them.
    5 My best book that I read is a Contemporary politics

  8. 1.It is a good topic, thanks Omar.
    2.I surprised at that there were books 4700 years ago.
    3.I like to read books about history, novels, and art.
    4.Are there novels in BC2700?
    5.I'm not finish homework about reading fifteen books from Nobi.

  9. 1- The oldest book in the world! That is interesting.
    2- What do you mean Book?
    3- Any thing has written on the paper or any writing even on the walls?
    4- I like to read dramatically and historical books.
    5- Libyan People is the first book I have read.

  10. 1.this is the first time for me to know about the first book in the world was in Egypt.
    2.I like to read about history.
    3.first reading for me was novel's policy called impossible man.
    4.although the internet is available people still read books.
    5.thank you Omar about this topic .

  11. 1- Thank you for this interesting topic.
    2- The book is best value in science.
    3- some authors are in the process cut and paste only .
    4- I like read anybook about Public administration.
    5- The book is the best friend for human.

  12. 1. In those days, I am sure the book was a great invention.
    2. However, we should remember that over a half of languages in the world do not have words.
    3. So only less than a half of languages can be written in books.
    4. This also means that those languages without words are disappearing.
    5. We should thank that our native languages have words.

    1-Historians cannot determine the time of emergence of the first book.
    2-But indications are * that IT WAS MADE in Egypt in 2700 BC.
    3-Note that the books of ancient EGYPT was made up of THE rolls of papyrus.
    4-Then PEOPLE useD the same way as the inhabitants of BABYLON in Iraq.
    5-The Chinese made WRITING books on the panels and the rolls of papyrus.
    6-After that, the RomanS * used * paper skin (slavery) rather than other means.
    7-Indians * used palm leaves to write a Vedic Hindu sacred books.
    8-ArabicS wrote on palm trees and patches of skin.
    9-The RomanS developed a system of WRITING.
    10-This system of WRITING USED punctuation and capital letters.
    11-THE First books appeared in the mid-fourteenth century.
    12-It has evolved and spread to be issued in all written languages and on all KNOWN substances.
    13-This is describing about the book that way help us for knowledge.(?)
    14-The best book I HAVE EVER read IS called " Events and Celebration" .
    15-What about you? DO you REMEMBER the best book YOU HAVE EVER read *?.
