Tuesday, July 6, 2010


1- Suicide means "to kills your self"
2- Suicide has become much more common in the men than it used to be.
3- A problem of suicide has become a threat to all people.
4- Suicide is increased in recent years.
5- That needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.
6- In my religion wars of suicide.
7- Even with this reason suicide has increased in recent years in my country.
8- We do not know about suicide before 10 years.
9- I think suicide has increased with the technical progress.
10- Because more technologically advanced countries have more causes.
11- People have many needs these days and do not have the pationt.
12- Unemployment rates rose in all countries.
13- Some cases of suicide because of too much love between men and women.
14- Some cases of suicide of drugs.
15- Is suicide common in your country? Is suicide has increased in your country? What do you think why they are killing themself in your country?


  1. 1- Sucide is increasing all around the world, I think.
    2- Yes, as you wrote, it need to be taken care but how? I think nobody cn controle this situation.
    3- It is not about technology or it advanced, it something in people's mind.
    4- In my area, I know some cases wrer suicide and all were females and most of them did that because of customs and traditions of the area.
    5- I hope suicide will decrease because it is really difficult case and difficult to be control. Thankyou Ayad, it was nice subject you chose it.

  2. 1. This topic is difficult to answer for me.
    2. In japan, The problem of Suicide is important things.
    3. The number of suicides is increase yearly in Japan.
    4. Especially, there are a lot of suicide causede by bullying issue.
    5. I also hope to decrease suicides all over the world.

  3. 1. Thanks to remember us about this social problem
    2. It is rare in my country although there are some cases
    3. I red often lot of suicide cases in industrial counties
    4.I think it is due to lowering of social standing and their isolation life.
    5. I hope that decision makers have to look into social deals of populations

  4. 1- Suicide is haram(Illegal) in Islam.
    2- The suicide rate little in Libya.
    3- I think moving away from God from Causes of suicide.
    4- Bankruptcy sometimes lead to suicide, But this is stupidity.
    5- Suicide is not the solution in all cases.Patience is the key to relief.

  5. 1-I think most countries suffer from this problem.
    2-Regardless of reason, it's difficult any person killed his/her self.
    3-In my religion this thing illicit.
    4-I think all religions disagree do it.
    5-I wish suicide stop even any person bask in the life.

  6. 1.There are many causes leads to the suicide. First of all the felling of inferiority.
    2.Stab narcissism. it is famous in Japan.
    3.Violence at loss something.
    4.lose an ability to find solution although the solution is always there.
    5.The depression contributes to the suicide.

  7. 1- I think the person who can do that is very brave.
    2- Because this thing needs a lot of courage and strength.
    3- At same time the person who can do that is very weak.
    4- For me I can not do that, it is very difficult.
    5- Some of you think that it is a problem. But for suicides or people who kill themselves, that is the last solution for their problems!

  8. 1.suicide is foolish, but many people have a lot of troubles.
    2.They are overcome by depression.
    3.Then they are out of right mind, and choose suicide.
    4.It is miserable occurrence.
    5.Does only human suicide?

  9. 1.Important topic my friend I agree with what you said.
    2.There is no tools to prevent some one to kill himself.
    3.There are a lot of causes for suicide .
    4.The first reson when you live with out religian.
    5.The prevention of this problem depends on the religian and the cculture.

  10. 1. In Japan, over 30,000 people commit suicide each year.
    2. This means about 100 people kill themselves every day.
    3. Korea is also famous for suicide committed by famous people.
    4. Some animals seem to kill themselves from time to time.
    5. However, we don't really know whether they are really trying to kill themselves like we do.

    1- Suicide means "to kills YOURSELF"
    2- Suicide has become much more common AMONG * men than it used to be.
    3- THE problem of suicide has become a threat to all people.
    4- Suicide is INCREASING in recent years.
    5- That needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.
    6- In my religion, wars CAUSE suicide (?).
    7- Even TAKING INTO ACCOUNT this reason, THE NUMBER OF suicide has increased in recent years in my country.
    8- We DID not know about suicide * 10 years AGO.
    9- I think THE NUMBER OF suicide has increased ALONG with the technical progress.
    10- THAT IS Because more technologically advanced countries have more REASONS FOR SUICIDE.
    11- People have many needs these days BUT do not have the pationt (?).
    12- Unemployment rates rose in all countries.
    13- Some cases of suicide ARE CAUSED BY too much love between men and women.
    14- Some cases of suicide ARE CAUSED BY drugs.
    15- Is suicide common in your country? HAS THE NUMBER OF suicide * increased in your country? Why DO YOU THINK they are killing THEMSELVES in your country?
