Monday, July 19, 2010

The Lovable Killer

  1. The cigarettes are kind of poisos.
  2. It makes from tobacco, and cosists of nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar.
  3. The cigarettes dicovered by Chrstopher Columbus when he saw the native Americans smoking it.
  4. The nicotine is active substance in cigarettes. It speeding up breathing heart rate and raises blood pressure.
  5. The carbon monoxide disrupts the transfer of oxygen to the blood.
  6. The cigarettes cause lung cancer, oral cancer, and cancer of kidneys.
  7. In addition to cardiovascular disease, ulcers, stomach and esophagus.
  8. Proportion of smokers is not related to the development.
  9. For example, in Africa theproportion of smoker is 29% men and 4%women, in America 35% men, 22% women.
  10. Some countries put laws ruduces of smoking.
  11. One of these laws prevent buy smoking to people are under 18.
  12. Banning smoking in public places.
  13. Putting photos for cancer patients on the cover of boxes.
  14. Do many awareness campaigns such as QUIT NOW.
  15. But do not worry guys there are electronic cigarettes. like in this photo without smoke.


  1. 1. I 100% agree with you about your topic and the contents
    2. Lovable killer are cold destroyers; because people know about danger they represent,but cannot abandon it.
    3. There are also drugs, extreme sports, etc.
    4. I smoked cigarette about 20 years and abandoned exactly 8 years.
    5. Can electronic cigarettes replace the natural one?

  2. 1. I agree with you William.
    2.I hope to quit now. know too much about damages of smoking but you still smoke. costs an arm and a leg in the US.
    5.thank you for your advises.I start thinking to take this habit away.

  3. 1.I 1000,000% disagree with what you say in your topic.
    2.Who advise us willem?????
    3.You sould keep it for your health.
    4.You sould try what you show us in the photo.
    5.I agree whit Akrm commit about it cost an arm and leg;;;;;;you sould keep money to marry ,,,,,hahahahah

  4. 1- Nice topic wilam, but i gree with wail.

    2- You have to try to stop smoking.

    3-I have stop the smoking befor 40 days.

    4- I am so happy about that .

    5- I hope all the people stop smoking.

  5. 1-All people know damage smoking but it's difficult stop smoking.
    2-I think the smoking it's habit more temperament.
    3-The smoking became the biggest problem so most goverments prevent it.
    4-I smoker but I can't stopping it.
    5-I hope that day stop smoking because it's dangour.

  6. 1- Thank you for this important topic. william
    2- Smoking causes many diseases,especially cancer.
    3- Willim, whey Adam and Wail don't agree with you
    4-Should be issued laws prohibiting smoking or issuance of high taxes on the sale of cigarettes.
    5- Gram of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  7. 1- I do not like smoking.
    2- It leads to bad health, so bad life.
    3- I know it make you feeling good and relax, but after that?
    4- But I think smoking it will continue for ever.
    5- It is hard to fighting against smoking. Because a lot of people like it.

  8. 1. I smoked until 10 years ago.
    2. Therefore, I understand feelings of a person who wants to smoke.
    3. But I have stopped smoking since 2002.
    4. Nowadays, I am glad that I stoped smoking.
    5. I hope that you are continuing to stop smoking, william. miamia!!

  9. 1- Yes, the cigarettes are kind of poisons and people should think about it more carefully.
    2- I agree with you about everything you mentioned.
    3- I smoked cigarettes for 15 yrs then I thought I have to stop it and I did.
    4- It was bad experience for me and has affected to my health.
    5- Just yesterday I bought a electronic one for my brother, hopefully he can quit smoking like I did. Nice topic my friend William.

  10. 1- I was smoking but i stopped smoking.
    2- smoking is reason cancer i agree with you.
    3- My country does not put law to reduce smoking.
    4- I hope all country put law because smoking is very dangours.
    5- I use hooka but a little time just for junny with my friend.

  11. 1.I agree with you, William!
    2.Smoking is one of reason of cancer and serious problems.
    3.Also somke of cigarettes has influence around smokers.
    4.To stop smoking contributes to our health, and so I stopped it.
    5.I hope that you can stop smoking soon, william, and you can do it!

  12. 1. I have never smoked even a cigarette in my entire life.
    2. That is mainly because I cared about my health, and I was playing tennis when I was younger.
    3. I am so glad that I did not start smoking because I have seen many smokes who want to quit but can't.
    4. I had a colleague in Japan. He was a nice and funny teacher, but smoked a lot. He died a few years ago although he was still around 50 years old.
    5. For my family, I need to live long!

    1. * Cigarettes are kind of POISON.
    2. It IS MADE from tobacco, and CONSISTS of nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar.
    3. * Cigarettes ARE DISCOVERED by CHRISTOPHER Columbus when he saw * native Americans smoking THEM.
    4. * Nicotine is AN active substance in cigarettes. It SPEEDS up breathing AND heart rate, and raises blood pressure.
    5. ? Carbon monoxide disrupts the transfer of oxygen to * blood.
    6. * Cigarettes cause lung cancer, oral cancer, and cancer of kidneys.
    7. In addition to cardiovascular disease, THEY CAUSE ulcers IN stomach and esophagus.
    8. THE Proportion of smokers is not related to the development OF THE COUNTRY(?).
    9. For example, in Africa, the proportion of smokerS is 29% FOR men and 4% FOR women, BUT in America, IT IS 35% FOR men, 22% FOR women.
    10. Some countries HAVE laws TO RESTRICT * smoking.
    11. One of these laws preventS PEOPLE UNDER 18 FROM buyING CIGARETTES *.
    12. THEY ALSO BAN smoking in public places.
    13. THEY ALSO REQUIRE TABACO COMPANIES TO PUT photos OF cancer patients on the cover of THE boxes.
    14. THERE ARE(?) many awareness campaigns, such as QUIT NOW.
    15. But do not worry, guys. There are electronic cigarettes like THE ONE in this photo without smoke.
