Thursday, July 1, 2010


1. Word polygamy is formed by two Greek words: Polys (many) and Gamos (marriage)
2. Polygamy means the situation when someone has in the same time many husbands or wives.
3. When woman has many husbands, it is called polyandry.
4. When a man has many spouses, it is called polygyny.
5. According to demographers and ethnologists, there are 80% of polygamy and 1% of polyandry in the world’s societies.
6. In the polygenic societies 60-80% of marital home are monogamist de facto.
7. Many countries allow and encourage it.
8. Almost countries with Muslim majority are polygamist except Turkey and Tunisia.
9. Many African countries adopted it.
10. Polygamy feels worse in Western civilization, but it is often allowed by some administrations.
11. For Islam, polygamy is lawful with some conditions.
12. Christian’s marriage is monogamous.
13. Some minorities in USA practice it today, although it is banning by laws.
14. Is it allowed in your country without condition?
15. What do you think about it?


  1. 1- In my country we can get married from 2 women even four.
    2- we have conditions just with religon you must be a fair or you can not get married but with my goverment no conditions.
    3- I think men more than woman, so this good idea to get more women but you should to be a fair with all women.
    4- I want to explain just one cause about why do you can get married from anothe one. Imagine your wife can not has a baby and you love her and you do not wantto break her and you want a baby too, so what can do for this cause?
    5- This is entersting topic jacob thank you.

  2. 1- It was nice topic tp talk about it,Jacob.
    2- You're so daring and gravery to talk about this subject.
    3- May be in your intention to be polygyny!
    4- Actualy I am a polygyny, I have two wives and that is not really good because of my experiment in this firld!
    5- I think some times it is not bad to have more than one wife but in the same time it is bad, too.

  3. 1- There are many conditions of marriage more than one.
    2- Before speaking to this case, must make search until a clearer picture well.
    3- The number of women more than men .!!!!!!
    4- I think we must all respect for privacies.
    5- I thing that's better than the spread of adultery.

  4. 1- Thank you Jacob about your choice.
    2- Different people, cultures, countries and societies.
    3- That means different thinking, ways and habits.
    4- Yes we have polygamy in Libya.
    5- For me, I don’t agree with this idea.

  5. 1.This topic is very nice topics, Jacob.
    2.I was surprised there is polyandry in the world.
    3.Because I did not know it although I have known a polygamy since before.
    4.The government of Japan does not permit us to be polygamy.
    5.I think this topics is very difficult to decide for us.

  6. 1.very very wonderful topic to give our opinions Jackop.
    2.About polyandry it is not allowed in our relgen.
    3.Because it is a big cause for HIV.
    4.But the polygamy it is allowed just for 4 wifes.
    5.But it is allowed with conditions.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1 I think this topic depends on the religion.
    2 In my religion you can get married with for wives but you shuold be a fair. I won't explen mor because Ayad did.
    3 I disagree with you a bout naber of men more than women.
    4 Girlfriend and boyfriend is one of religion's loophole found by people.
    5 thank you for this topic.

  9. 1- This is very nice topic to talking about it.

    2This supject different from country to country.

    3- It different from culture to another.

    4- It different from religion to another.

    5- That is why there are many diffrent comments in this topic. thank you jakob agin for yor nice topic.

  10. 1-I think the polygamy good things.
    2-But the polyandry I think the bad things.
    3-These things always connection with religion.
    4-When one woman marriage tow or three men, when she get baby who's father?
    5-Think you about this topic Jacop.

  11. 1.How interesting topc! Jacob!
    2.I don't become familiar with polygamy.
    3.Because Japan is monogamy country.
    4.I can't provide for more than one wife.
    5.If I get a few wives, I will be killed my wife.

  12. 1. Biologically, a man wants more women, but a women wants a better man.
    2. That is because the number of babies that a woman can bear is limited.
    3. So it does not help her to have more than one husband; however, because the number is limited, she wants the baby to be high-quality.
    4. On the contrary, men can make a lot of babies as their descendants. That is why some of them flirt with other women.
    5. So, Siso, you are high-quality. And I hope Satoshi won't be killed.

    1. THE Word, polygamy, is formed by two Greek words: Polys (many) and Gamos (marriage).
    2. Polygamy means the situation when someone has * MORE THAN ONE husbands or wives AT THE SAME TIME.
    3. When A woman has many husbands, it is called polyandry.
    4. When a man has many spouses, it is called polygyny.
    5. According to demographers and ethnologists, AMONG ALL THE SOCIETIES WITH POLYGAMY IN THE WORLD, 80% OF THEM ARE POLYGYNY(?) and 1% ARE polyandry.
    6. In the polygenic societies, 60-80% of marital CASES are MONOGAMY de facto.
    7. Many countries allow and encourage it.
    8. IN Almost ALL THE countries with Muslim, THE majority are polygamistS except Turkey and Tunisia.
    9. Many African countries HAVE adopted it.
    10. Polygamy IS REGARDED AS SOMETHING worse in Western civilization, but it is often allowed by some administrations.
    11. For Islam, polygamy is lawful UNDER some conditions.
    12. Christian’s marriage is monogamous.
    13. Some minorities in THE USA practice it today, although it is BANNED by LAW.
    14. Is it allowed in your country without condition?
    15. What do you think about it?
