Tuesday, July 27, 2010

September 11 Attacks

1.This event happened on Tuesday in 11 September.
2.This attack was by 19 hijackers.
3.There were 2973 deaths in this event.
4.At 12:56 the first plan hit the first tower of the trade center.
5.At 13:14 the second plan hit another tower.
6.At 13:50 the Us evacuate the Ministry of Defense and the White house .
7.The plans was poeing 757 and at 13:53 another plan hit the part of Defense Ministry.
8.At 15:35 another plan poeing 747 crashed in Pennsylvania.
9.Some of the important employee canceled them trips.
10.CIA received the information that said there is attack to the US about they did not know.
11.What was the reflations for the Muslims in the world?
12.Do you think 19 th hijacks can did this a terrorist attack complex?
13.What the definition of the terrorism in your opinion?
14.Who is the real actor for this event?
15.After you search this topic ask some questions ?


  1. 1- All people know a bout 11 september.
    2- Wail you are speaking more than your size.
    3- I do not like to discuss with this topic.
    4- I think all people are terrorism.
    5- People are fighting one onother for a money.

  2. 1- Brother wail as you know this is red line not just in your country, but even in USA.

    2- Why you chose this topic now.

    3- As what ayad said this more than our size.

    4- You have to be warned, ican not answer you about your topic.

    5- This is not my best kind of topic to discuss.

  3. 1. These attachs was terrible for America and all people who need pace and security.
    2. This day, I was in the bottom of bush for work and someone told me that some terrorists have attacked the World Trade Center in USA.
    3. We rushed to watch TV and I was surprised that terrorists were able to hit target in the heart of USA!
    4. I knew some people were numerous grievances against USA, but terrorism is not the solution.
    5. I express desapprouval of terrorism anywhere, because victims are always innocent people.

  4. 1.I couldn't beleive in the picture when I saw the news on TV.
    2.Everyone was shocked that some terrorists could occur those tragic affairs.
    3.All terrorists must not be forgiven, if they have a insistence.
    4.Violence cannot solve any problems.
    5.There are acts of terrorism until now.

  5. 1 I do not know what I say.
    2 This events change the history.
    3 this event was surprised to me and my family.
    4 I do not know what the terrorists want.
    5 wail thank you for this topic, but there is not relation between Islam and this events.

  6. 1. I cannot forget this accident.
    2. There are a lot of terrorism issues in the world.
    3. I cannot believe why terrorists involve people that know nothing in the misfortune.
    4. I also think terrorism cannot solve any problem.
    5. Thank you for this topic, wail.

  7. 1- It was really bad event that what happened.
    2- I will not forget that.
    3- When I have watched that news videos, I thought that is movie.
    4- Killing people is the biggest crime anywhere.
    5- I hope the peace for our earth.

  8. 1.Do you know how is responsible in this attacks?
    2.they are not from Afghanistan or Iraq.
    3.why they did that?
    4.who did know about them before they happened?
    5.I disagree with any terrorism attacks.

  9. 1-Why choose like this topic Wail?
    2-Like these events I think nobady can't explain it.
    3-I think any result about like evebts no opsitive for the world.
    4-There are a lot of like events but the people can't heard it.
    5-I mean wars, famine...etc.

  10. 1- These attacks were affect all people around the world.
    2- After that a lot of changes happened in a lot of countries.
    3- my country is one of them.
    4- It was not good for people who had affected.
    5- we should pray for nothing like that will happen again.

  11. 1- After September 11 changed the world to new case.
    2- The UN did not define terrorism so far.
    3- That happened in New York was terrorism.
    4- What is called that is happening in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
    5- Wail you are free, Thank you.

  12. 1. I still remember when I watched the news.
    2. I came home late, hoping to do some work done, but as I turn on TV, I could not do anything else that night.
    3. While I was in NYC, I stopped by at the Ground Zero, and it was such a huge hole.
    4. A lot of your classmates wrote that they did not have anything to say, but I personally believe this is an important topic to discuss, and we should never forget this.
    5. I am not blaming Islam, but what does not make sense to me is that, despite such a peaceful doctrines of the Koran, why are there some people who do terrorism?

    1.This event happened on Tuesday, * September 11.
    2.This attack was by 19 hijackers.
    3.There were 2973 deaths in this event.
    4.At 12:56, the first PLANE hit the first tower of the WORLD trade center.
    5.At 13:14, the second PLANE hit THE OTHER tower.
    6.At 13:50, the US evacuateD the DEPARTMENT of Defense and the White House .
    7.The PLANES WERE BOEING 757, and at 13:53, another PLANE hit A part of THE DEPARTMENT OF Defense.
    8.At 15:35, another PLANE, BOEING 747 crashed in Pennsylvania.
    9.Some of the important employeeS canceled THEIR trips.
    10.CIA received the information that said there WOULD BE AN attack ON the US; HOWEVER, they did not TAKE IT SERIOUSLY(?).
    11.What was the REACTION TO the Muslims in the world?
    12.Do you think 19 * HIJACKERS COULD DO THESE * attackS complex(?)?
    13.What IS the definition of * terrorism in your opinion?
    14.Who is the real actor IN this event?
    15.After you LEARNED this topic, DID YOU ask some questions(?) ?
