Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Global Warming (GW)

1. Climatic warm or global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface and oceans during many years.
2. Nowadays, it is one of the major problems in the world.
3. To consider every aspect of GW was created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
4. The conclusion of their findings proved that GW results of human activities such as:
5. Fossil fuel using and deforestation. They caused the greenhouse effect;
6. It is the process of adsorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases (in particular CO2) in the atmosphere and increases temperature.
7. The climate model projection by IPCC report that the temperature will rise further 1, 1 to 6, 4 ⁰C during the 21 Century.
8. This phenomenon involves great human and environmental consequences.
9. However, there are many controversies about it.
10. Some scientists assert that human causes lean only in the IPCC report;
11. They also assert that Mars Planet is warming too, but it is not due to human activity.
12. In all cases, I think we have to react and face this danger of GW.
13. Each country and each one have to show willing;
14. Do you know what the position of your respective countries is?
15. What do you personally, recommend to do?


  1. 1.Important topic for all countries.I agree whit you Jacob.
    2.In my country we notes the changing in the weather.
    3.The weather began worse than before.
    4.I thing there is no solution from our country.
    5.The biggest countries will not stop their project pollution to fix the weather or the environment.

  2. 1- I agree with you 100%,Jacob.
    2- Organizations an international are calling for stopping emission of gases.
    3- Global warming is the first case in the world.
    4- Neglect of this problem lead to the end of the world.
    5- Thank you Jacob for this wonderful topic.

  3. 1.I think there is no solution for this problem.
    2.All of us for example need the food witch arrive to us by different way.
    3.transporation causes a lot of pollution and factories as will.
    4. How do you get goods in your country?
    5.This is the tax for devolpment. thank you brother.

  4. 1.I agree with you, Jacob.
    2.Gloval warming is a serious problem to us.
    3.We cannot predict what will gloval warming have a influence on the earth.
    4.The USA and China are the most highest carbon dioxide emission countries, and these countries have the key to improve this problem.
    5.extraordinary weather must be a warnning to human.

  5. 1- In my country the weather has begun to be better than before.
    2- This is complix topic difficult for me to inderstand.
    3- I do not know a bout my country what they do.
    4- After recycle all stuff the environment begun to be good
    5- I think this is not big problem why you are afried jocob.

  6. 1- This is very important topic nowdays.

    2- All the cpuntries in the world scared about it.

    3- Even the U N try to fix this problem now.

    4- I thing the first reason in this case the big countries in the world.

    5- Thank you jacop about your nice topic.

  7. 1. I agree with you.
    2. Global warming is very important problem for our life.
    3. I think we seriously need to consider the global warming because of protecting our life.
    4. I always try to separate the garbage to contribute to the earth.
    5. Thank you for your nice topics, Jacob!

  8. 1 I agree with you Jacob.
    2 this is very important problem in the world in these days
    3 we must find sulotion for this problem.
    4 everyone should understand the danger behind this problem.
    5 thank youo Jacob for this topic.

  9. 1- I do not know what our earth future is.
    2- Actually I do not know enough about this topic
    3- I think people are going to make it worse.
    4- The big companies care just about how they can make more money.
    5- They do not think to much about environment pollution.

  10. 1-I agree with you about this topic.
    2-In most countries the weather changing to bad.
    3-The global became bad because the people use it very bad.
    4-Development countries contributed to this problem.
    5-Thank you Jacip.

  11. 1. My major in undergraduate was science, and my thesis was on acid rain.
    2. It is not global warming, but because these two issues are related, I also studied on it.
    3. It is such a complex issue economically, politically, and of course, scientifically.
    4. That is why we have still not been able to find a panacea for it.
    5. I wish the US will ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

    1. Climatic WARMING or global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface and oceans during many years.
    2. Nowadays, it is one of the major problems in the world.
    3. To consider every aspect of GW, * the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) WAS CREATED.
    4. The conclusion of their findings proved that GW results FROM human activities such as:
    5. THE USE OF Fossil fuel * and deforestation. They caused the greenhouse effect;
    6. It is the process of adsorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases (in particular CO2) in the atmosphere and increases temperature.
    7. The climate model projection by IPCC REPORTS that the temperature will rise further 1, 1 to 6, 4 ⁰C during the 21 Century.
    8. This phenomenon involves great human and environmental consequences.
    9. However, there are many controversies about it.
    10. Some scientists assert that ONLY human causes AER DISCUSSED in the IPCC report(?);
    11. They also assert that Mars * is warming too, but it is not due to human ACTIVITIES.
    12. In all cases, I think we have to react TO and face THE danger of GW.
    13. Each country and each one HAS to show A WILL;
    14. Do you know what * position DOES EACH COUNTRY HAVE(?)?
    15. What do you personally recommend * doING?
