Sunday, July 25, 2010

The worse prison in the world

1- I will write about the prison in the United state of Amirca.
2- One of every 99.1 us adults is in jail or prison.
3- That is more than in any other country it is the highest ratio in history.
4- More than 2.3 millon americans are serving time.
5- China is a distant second on the list, it has 1.5 million people in the prison.
6- The pew center on issue, it released a report that says u s, states spent more than 49 billion last year on prisons.
7- Susan Urahn directs the center, she said states cannot afford the rising costs.
8- Some spend more on prisons than on hiher education.
9- Inmates are packed together at California state prison.
10- In 2007 two fedral judges a spicial panel to look at relieve California's overcroweded prisons.
11- Kentucky had the largest increase in prisoners last year.
12- It was 12 percent. the state crime rate has gone up only about 3 percent in 30 years.
13- I read this article from the Newyork times.
14- In fact i am so surprised about these numpers.
15- Can you belive that, and what about your country.


  1. 1-I think these prisons there are a lot of countries.
    2-Prisons maybe to help the governments about control society.
    3-Always the developed countries suffer a lot of problems.
    4-When there are problems, naturally there are prisons.
    5-Thank you Adam about this topic.

  2. 1- This topic very sorprise for me.
    2- I agree with you about your all topic.
    3- In my country we have prison but not like this prison in the US.
    4- this days the crim go up and all people love ti kill one anothe, so the prison important to keep people savely.
    5- Thank you adam for your topic this is a new information for me, i think you are bring to us every thing important in every a new topic for you.

  3. 1.I know about this topic before. about your country. many in the prison do you think.
    4. You do not give us the first reason for this problem.
    5.About me I could imagine this number because the US the first country in every thing.

  4. 1. I agree about your topics.
    2. I was also surprised about No.8 sentense. In other words, many young men are serving time, aren't you?
    3. I have never reseached about the prison in Japan.
    4. As my brother is a Japanese policeman, I will ask him about the prison when I meet him at next time.
    5. Thank you for your nice topics, adam.

  5. 1- I am every day hearing about prisons in USA and about people spending time more than their home at prisons.
    2- I think and what I heard from people who lived here for long time ago that black people go to jail.
    3- I am now afraid to live here long time because I am thinking about my kids future.
    4- It is interesting that the numbers of people in the jail in both USA and China. WOW it is unbelievable.
    5- It was good topic to talk about it Mr ambassador in future.

  6. 1. I am amazing with the number of prisoners in the USA, and how much money they spend in jail!!
    2. There are more prisoners than any other country! What lesson American justice would give to other nations?
    3. I precisely read this week in news, that an American judge confessed receive money to send youngs in jail.
    4. I think many of them are Black youngs, it is worrying for "the country of liberty"
    5. We have prisons, but we have no enough prisoners.

  7. 1. This a nice topic Adam to explain.

    2-But i have no information about this topic before this topic.

    3- In fact we don't have this number in my country.

    4- I am so surprised about number 6, because this money enough to facing the poverty in the world.

    5- Thank you for your great topic Adam.

  8. 1- Hi, Adam.Well done on this subject.
    2- All prisons in the world are facing the problem of the increasing number of prisoners.
    3- There are some prisons in the world did not know their location so far.
    4- such as, torture prisons that exist in some countries and U.S. prisons throughout the world.
    5- I agree with about his comment(5)

  9. 1. California is in a large debt.
    2. Also, it is the state with the largest number of people; so it probably also has the highest number of prisoners.
    3. In order to reduce their debt, they released some of the prisoners a few years ago.
    4. So economy even changes the status of some prisoners.
    5. I hope they do not release felons, though.

    1- I will write about the prison in the United STATES of AMERICA.

    2- One of every 99.1 US adults is in jail or prison.

    3- That is more than THAT in any other country, AND it is the highest ratio in history.

    4- More than 2.3 MILLION Americans are serving time.

    5- China is THE second on the list WITH A WIDE DIFFERENCE FROM THE US, AND it has 1.5 million people in * prison.

    6- The pew center on issue(?), it released a report that says THAT US states spent more than 49 billion DOLLARS last year on prisons.

    7- Susan Urahn directs the center, AND she said THE states cannot afford the rising costs.

    8- Some spend more on prisons than on HIGHER education.

    9- Inmates are packed together IN THE California state prison.

    10- In 2007 two FEDERAL judges FORMED(?) a SPECIAL panel to CONSIDER relievING California's OVERCROWDED prisons.

    11- Kentucky had the largest increase in prisoners last year.

    12- It was 12 percent. The state crime rate has gone up only about 3 percent in THE LAST 30 years.

    13- I read this article from the NEW YORK times.

    14- In fact, I am so surprised AT these NUMBERS.

    15- Can you belive that, and what about your country.
