Monday, July 12, 2010

Sixteen before sixty

1.Take break to relax from a stress life.
2.Say NO because if you say yes to things that are impossible you will be unhappy.
3.Do exercise to feel better.
4.Learn from your mistakes to avoid do that again.
5.Do simple things so that defficult things become easy.
6.Do some volunteer work because helpping others makes you happy.
7.See the positive side.
8.Make a difference in your society.
9.Sleep well about seven to eight hours every night.
10.Save money.
11.Eat well to live well.
12.quit or let the bad hobbies.
13.Check you teeth at less two times a year.
14.Laugh more. It is useful for sixteen muscles of your face.
15.Do not worry and drink enough water result in a good health.


  1. 1-I think this topic like medical advice.
    2-Do you think these things will make me happy.
    3-Sometimes I do voluntess work without intend.
    4-I agree with you about point(12) because that like kind of victory.
    5-Thank you Akrm about this topic.

  2. 1.What is the wonderful topic you write Akrm.
    2.I sould learn to say no in this life because it is very hard for me.
    3.Ha Ha Ha you sould learn how to save the money as your roommate said.
    4.We sould laugh to keep our health good. siad sixteen but you it was fifteen.

  3. 1- yes, I am trying do what you said exactly, or most of what you said.
    2- I do not know if I am too late or it is time.
    3- I am happy of what doing today with my helth, but sometimes I am worry about it.
    3- You know, almost everything you reported is correct, so I'll try to do some of i missed.
    4- Water, wow, it is the secret or mystery of life and eat well it is same. We should know about its.
    5- I am laughing know! It is good, isn't it Akram? Thanks a lot for the topic and goog wishes my friend.

  4. 1- Thank you Akrm for the advices.
    2- But, Is there a human, follow these tips a whole.
    3- I think Akrm all people agree withe you about number 10.
    4- I like eat,but there are some food unhealth.
    5- I think there are not comfort in this life.

  5. 1- These is difficult for me to folow it.
    2- I hpoe to follow and i will try it as possiple as i can.
    3- I can not save money.
    4- I like to help people as much as i can.
    5- For me, i did not do any thing from thes sitution but i will try it but difficult with learn English to do it.

  6. 1.I would like to save money.
    2.I would like to sleep well everynight.
    3.I go to the dentist every year.
    4.I would like to keep health until sixty years old.
    5.I'm sorry, Akrm, I couldn't understand the title of your topic, if I didn't read Wail's comment.

  7. 1. Thanks Dr. Akram for advice
    2. I didn't understand the title of your topic. what's the meaning?
    3. Wow, I would like too to save money
    4. Your kind of worlds comforted me
    5. It's difficult to follow lot of advice, but It's worth trying.

  8. 1. I also didn't understand this topics. I'm sorry, Akrm.
    2. I wouid like to eat a variety foods.
    3. I would like to save money in order to travel in other countries.
    4. It is important to check our teeth for us.
    5. Thank you for your nice topics Akrm.

  9. 1- In fact i like this kind of topic so much.

    2- Because its make me feel better.

    3- And i gree with you akram 100 % abuot all what did you say.

    4- All the people in the world try to find the happenis by difrent ways.

    5- I hope to use all these nice adviss in my life.

  10. 1- Thank you so much Akrm about this advices.
    2- Really I need that exactly at this time.
    3- I can not follow your advice In your sentences 10 and 11.
    4- Because I can not save money and eat well at the same time.
    5- I try to laugh more but there are not enough funny things and events to make you laughing or even smiling.

  11. 1 Thank you for this nice topic.
    2 But I do not have free to take a break.
    3 I always try to learn from my mistakes.
    4 Wail is a good exampl about volunteer.
    5 save money live better.

  12. 1. I am generally healthy as I follow most of what you wrote.
    2. However, I don't drink a lot of water.
    3. I just don't feel thirsty even if I don't drink anything.
    4. That is why I had kidney stones, which tortured me a lot.
    5. So my wife always tells me to drink more.

    1.Take A break to relax from a stressFUL life.
    2.Say NO because if you say yes to things that are impossible, you will be unhappy.
    3.Do exercise to feel better.
    4.Learn from your mistakes to avoid FROM doING that again.
    5.Do simple things so that DIFFICULT things become easy.
    6.Do some volunteer work because HELPING others makes you happy.
    7.See the positive side.
    8.Make a difference in your society.
    9.Sleep well FOR about seven to eight hours every night.
    10.Save money.
    11.Eat well to live well.
    12.Quit or let (?) the bad hobbies (HABITS?).
    13.Check you teeth * less THAN two times a year.
    14.Laugh more. It is useful for sixteen muscles of your face.
    15.* Not worryING and drinkING enough water result in a good health.
