Sunday, July 4, 2010


1. There are 12 horoscopes for every one horoscope.
2.Some people think that horoscopes are waste of time.
3.Do you think that ? If yes let me know why?
4.Many different kinds of people believe in astrology.
5.Do you believe in astrology?why or why not?
6.About me I do not believe in astrology.
7.Because our religion advise us to do that.
8.some times I read it just for fun,but always it happened with me what I study.
9.This thing let me wondering is this science or what?
10.people sometimes make decision about your futuer after studying your horoscope.
11.people can get your astroglogcal information when you fillin an aplication form for a jop.
12.They are interested in finding out about your personality.
13.which kind of horoscope are you belong?
14.Do you think it is interesting to know what the people are thinking about you?
15.have you thought to read Nobi horoscope to know his personality? and to know if youu will pass this level or no?......................just try for fun


  1. 1. Look your title,there are an mistake about horoscope
    2. I didn't understaind you. What's the meaning of line 2?
    3. I don't know well astrology so I don't know what to say.
    4. I know some people who regularly visit horoscope sites
    5. Generaly any monotheist religions agree with astrology, but everyone might have his beliefs.

  2. 1 I disagree with you because I do not believe this Superstitions.
    2 Yes it is Consuming of time. you have many things to do.
    3 About namber 14 no I do not want that becuse you can know that by yourself.
    iend likes to listen to them but I say to him this is Superstitions.
    5 About namber 15 I you do not need to horoscope I can tall you. If you read 15 books and do your homework and coming every day to class and you you have high points in your exam and do not speak your ntive language you will pass believe me if you do not do that you will stay believe me. what you think Nobi?

  3. 1- Sometimes horoscope it is waste of time but sometimes its make you feel better.
    2- sometimes I believe astrology because make me feel good.
    3- Of course this subject make everyone wondering about it and make us concern and discomfort.
    4- I belong to Aquarius and sometimes it specifications it same of mine.
    5- Thankyou Wail for this subject and we don't need to read Nobi's horoscope, we need to study our books to pass his class!!

  4. 1-I don't believe astrology and horoscopes.
    2-When you want to get any things should be to give more effort.
    3-I agree with you about point (8).
    4-Always when we start any important doing to need some hopeful.
    5-Thank you Wail about this choice.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1- I disagree with your topic.
    2- I can not believe horsoscopes because it is frome people about my future how they know my future.
    3- And my religoun said to us do not believe this book i agree with you.
    4- If i say this book and said to me you will not pass this livil i will stay in my home.
    5- This is intersting topic thank you.

  7. 1.I don't believe in horoscopes.
    2.Many people decide many things by horoscopes.
    3.By the way I am Virgo.
    4.There are a lot of fortune-telling.
    5.In Japan, the most popular fortune-telling is telling from the blood type.

  8. 1- I am not convinced the horoscopes.
    2- Horoscopes do not achieve your dreams.
    3- Horoscope used only to play.
    4- There are a lot of people believe the horoscopes.
    5- I hope all the people not to believethe the horoscopes.

  9. 1. I am iteresting in horoscopes,and I am Aries.
    2. However, I don't understand about horoscopes well yet.
    3. I think horoscopes cannot decide our future.
    4. Many women like horoscopes in Japan.
    5. Thank you Wail for nice topic.

  10. 1- Nice topic to discuss about it.
    2- It is hard to say I believe or no about this issue.
    3- A lot of people agree, other people don not agree.
    4- For me, I agree with some parts and disagree with some other parts.
    5- This idea needs more researches from universities.

  11. is nice topic wail.
    2.I'm not interested in horoscopes.
    3.I disagree with them.
    4.I believe the horoscopes can not decide anything. has a nice view.

  12. 1- I don't believe in supject.

    2- I think horoscopes can not decide our life.

    3- My religoun disagree with this topic.

    4- I think our life biger more than thehoroscopes.

    5- Idont like this kind of things to discuse.

  13. 1. Personally, I do not believe that people's fate can be categorized into only 12 although I am not a Muslim.
    2. It is sometimes fun just to read and enjoy it.
    3. Of course, you can use it for learning English.
    4. Even the State News have the section.
    5. This shows that even some Americans care about it.

    ps Willeam, you are perfectly right!

    1. There are 12 horoscopes, AND EVERYONE HAS A horoscope.
    2.Some people think that horoscopes are A waste of time.
    3.Do you think SO ? If yes, let me know why.
    4.Many * people believe in astrology.
    5.Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
    6.* I do not believe in astrology.
    7.THAT IS Because our religion adviseS us NOT to do that.
    8.SOMETIMES, I read it just for fun, but WHAT I READ ALWAYS happenS TO me (?).
    9.This thing MAKES me WONDER WHETHER * this * IS SCIENCE.
    10.People sometimes make A decision about THEIR FUTURE after READING THEIR horoscopeS.
    11.People can get THEIR ASTROLOGICAL information when THRY FILL IN an APPLICATION form for a JOB.
    12.They are interested in finding out about THEIR personality.
    13.Which kind of horoscope DO you belong TO?
    14.Do you think it is interesting to know what OTHER people are thinking about you?
    15.Have you thought to read Nobi'S horoscope to know his personality, And to know if YOU will pass this level or noT?......................just try for fun.
