Saturday, July 17, 2010


  1. I think everyone has friends, but opinions about friendship different from person to another.
  2. For some of us, a friend can be a person who chat with us on the Internet.
  3. For some others, a friend is someone who has known you all your life.
  4. Definitions of friendship can vary a lot within a asingle culture.
  5. Imagine the differences between cultures, how many definitions you will find.
  6. Most of us have very few best friends throughout our lives.
  7. These are friends who are sincere to us through good times and bad.
  8. In some cultures, friendship is a relationship that emphasizes the sharing of the deepest feelings.
  9. In these cultures, friends are people who know each other behind the soul.
  10. In other cultures, it is a lifelong obligation.
  11. In this case, a friend is someone who becomes part of your family and who helps you in all areas of life.
  12. What you think about friendship? When you call someone friend? someone you know or in work.
  13. I think, friend is a person attached to another by feeling of affection.
  14. Although different people and cultures emphasize different aspects of friendship, there is one element which is always present, and that is the element of choice, we may not be able to select our families, our co-workers, but we can pick our friends.
  15. What you think is our relation can be call. Are we acquaintances, colleagues, friends or best friends.

See you all, my friends.


  1. 1 I agree with you about namber 1 there are different opinions.
    2 To me, the friendship that person you are trust on him and you can told him your secret.
    3 You are right, that the cultures have diferent about friendship.
    4 In Libya I have many frinds I can depend on.
    5 Thank you Siso for this topic....go on.

  2. 1-I think there isn't specific meaning about friendship.
    2-Because the friendship like sensation.
    3-I choose my friends slowly even I know him more.
    4- I agree with you Siso about kinds of friendship, it's difference.
    5-Thank you about this topic.

  3. 1. I agree with you particularly about your assertion in point 14
    2. Friendship is the same in all cultur,but it can bee different from one person to another (point 1)
    3. Many people are confused about friendship and companionship
    4. Friendship is deeper ,like mentionned in point 8
    5. Finally you fell crooked writting "all my friends". Are we classmates or friends? Did you really pick us?

  4. is good topic my friend Siso.
    2.friendship has many levels and stages.
    3.for me i have many friend from different areas but i have few best friends. our culture we have proverb says ( say to me who is your friend,i will tell you who you are).
    5.crooked means not straight if there is another meaning please let me know Jacop.

  5. 1- It is too hard to find a real friend these days.
    2- You can know a lot of people but you can not call all of them friends.
    3- When you have a good friend you will see to the life from different view.
    4- You can have a friend from different culture or country.
    5- It is hard to find a good definition for a real friendship.

  6. 1.I agree with you my friend.
    2.The friendship is the most important relationin this life.
    3.I have a lot of freinds who I conseder them as my brothers. far I do not have a freind from another cultuer .
    5.I hope you will be real freind for me and this is my hand siso.

  7. I thought Nobi is only the person who solve our grammar and spelling in our blog, right Jacob!!!!

  8. 1- Generally, I agree with you my brother.
    2- I think there is not person can live without friendship.
    3- Because of the nature of human social .
    4- Selection of true friendship is very difficult.
    5- I am very happy because of my friendship for you Siso.

  9. 1.I agree with you, Siso.
    2.It is important to live with other people.
    3.Your topic is great! Siso!and the best choice picture.
    4.We can maintain a friendship with other countries people.
    5.How many true friend can we make in our life?

  10. 1- I think diffucult to know where is your friend exactly.
    2- Some people you will think that these are my friends but when you have a problem they go a way.
    3- I think to know your really friend hard these days.
    4- A lot of people some to you just because you are in good job or they want some thing of you.
    5- I have a lot of good friend in my cuntry even in US thank you siso good to choece this topic.

  11. 1- I agree with you siso 100 %.

    2- My best friend called Embark he works in U A E now.

    3- We have been friends aroun 12 years.

    4- The friendship is important in oyr live.

    5- But now i miss all my friends in Libya so much. thank you siso for your nice topic.

  12. 1. I agree with your topics, Siso!
    2. I also think friendship is important for our life.
    3. I have a lot of friens in Japan.
    4. However, among them, I have a few friends called the best friend.
    5. I hope to establish a lot of friendship with people from other countries from this.

  13. 1. Who can say no to the importance of friendship?
    2. As you wrote, it is now much easier than before to make friends with other people via the Internet.
    3. Despite such an advantage, it seems that many people are feeling lonely, having difficulty in making friends, and sometimes kill themselves.
    4. People should realize that friendship made through the Internet is often fragile.
    5. In addition, it may be nothing but a fake relationship as people may falsify their identities.

    1. I think everyone has friends, but opinions about friendship ARE different from A person to another.
    2. For some of us, a friend can be a person who chat with us on the Internet.
    3. For some others, a friend is someone who has known you all your life.
    4. Definitions of friendship can vary a lot within a SINGLE culture.
    5. Imagine the differences between cultures, AND how many definitions you will find.
    6. Most of us have very few best friends throughout our lives.
    7. These are friends who are sincere to us through good times and bad.
    8. In some cultures, friendship is a relationship that emphasizes the sharing of the deepest feelings.
    9. In these cultures, friends are people who know each other behind the soul.
    10. In other cultures, it is a lifelong obligation.
    11. In this case, a friend is someone who becomes part of your family and * helps you in all areas of life.
    12. What DO you think about friendship? When DO you call someone A friend? someone you know or AT work?
    13. I think, A friend is a person attached to another by feeling of affection.
    14. Although different people and cultures emphasize different aspects of friendship, there is one element which is always present, and that is the element of choice; we may not be able to select our families OR our co-workers, but we can pick our friends.
    15. What DO you think CAN our relation * be callED? Are we acquaintances, colleagues, friends, or best friends?
