Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Death

1- The death means a paradox of human life.

2- We think we are going to live forever.

3- We can not imagine after years we will die.

4- The death means the spirit out the body.

5- But woh can identify the spirit, what is the spirit.

6- Modern medicine could not determine what the cause of the paradox of human life.

7- the US has examined the cause of death for the elderly.

8- But they did not reach good result.

9- Some people die while they are playing and some pople die because they fall ill.

10- The death so horrible creature, even the animals hate death.

11- For example, elephant when he feels close to death, the elephant will go a lone , far a way from another animals and he will die there.

12- For me i do not afraed from death because i do all things good in my life .

13- So, i do not afraed from death because i will go to the best place after i death.

14- What about you, are you afraid of death, do yo hate to hear the world death.

15- In my country, the human after his death is placed in a hole after washing his body, what a bout your country, what do they do with a body.


  1. 1.nice topic to talk about it ,but relay you do not afraid from the death my friend.
    2.I know the friend who died in his wedding.
    3.There are many people who did not believe in the life after the death.
    4 who is know if he will go to hell or to the paradigm ( aljana).
    5.A bout me I afraid from the death because I am a human which means we sometimes make a mystics .we pray to be in Aljana together brothers.

  2. 1- What is that death?
    2- It is the hardest question have human asked about.
    3- There is no specific answer for this question so far.
    4- Before that we should ask why there is life.
    5- Because that people make a lot of gods and religion stories as an attempt to answer.

  3. 1.Someday everyone will die.
    2.But I would not like to live so long.
    3.Surely, my families death must make me much sad.
    4.Most Japanese does not have their own religion, so we do not understand after death.
    5.Death is important to evolve next generations.

  4. 1- This is great topic brother ayad.

    2- I know man who is die whene he was praying.

    3- In fact i do not afraed from death, because i belive what Allah he well do for me.

    4- Some people they afraed from death so much.

    5- Thank you Ayad about your nice topic.

  5. 1. Good topic, Ayad and thanks for remembering us that we are mortals.
    2. We often forget about it.Death is as you wrote, the paradox of the human life.
    3. Human being have always bein affraid of death and he always is looking for a Fountain of Youth.
    4. As for me, I am afraid by death and want to live forever, but it's a dream.
    5. To be eternal, Human ought to be good and doing well for his family, society and world. Maybe after that he will be imortal?

  6. 1- Death is a reality.
    2- Prophet Noah lived 950 years and then died.
    3- There are many causes ,but one death.
    4- Shokri, I think Ayad wrote definition about death.
    5- Thank you, Ayad fot this difficult topic.

  7. 1. Thinking of death was very interest for me.
    2. When I was childhood, I always thought about death a lot.
    3. At that time, I was scared about death.
    4. Now, I am not afraid of death because everybody die.
    5. Thank you for your nice topics, Ayad.

  8. 1- I don't know how to began with this complex subject, it is realy hard.
    2- Should we think about death or shouldn't we. When someone we know die we think deeply about everything around us and we plan not doing this and that; however, after wheil we forget about what we thought!
    3- I think most people afraid to die and they know they will die sometime.
    4- People can't run away from death, if so, a lot of them will run away. I hate even hear about death, its make me sad.
    5- It is a difficult topic to discuss about and it was tough for me to talk about it, I remembered my dead friends and relatives. I hope a good live for you all, my friends.

  9. 1.For me, I'm not afraid from the death; however,I'm afraid from what will happen after that.
    2.death is when the sour leave our body.
    3.every one is going to die this is truth.
    4.some people have different information about it.
    5.thank you Ayad for this hard topic.

  10. 1- I think some people don't afraid from death because they don't know when it come.
    2-There is difficult about definition about death.
    3-Because that definition you can't see death by your eyes maybe you can feel it only.
    4-Nobady know what happen after death so that is abig secret.
    5-Thank you Ayad about this topic.

  11. 1 what is this ayad death!!!
    2 I am afraid from death.
    3 but everything start will be finsh.
    4 nobady know when he or she death.
    5 thank you ayad for this topic

  12. 1. I think it is natural to be afraid of death.
    2. That is because we are all afraid of something that we do not know to some extent.
    3. In my opinion, because we have death, life is beautiful, and we can cherish it.
    4. If we live forever, we may just waste lots of time.
    5. Do you want to know when you will die?

    1- * Death means a paradox of human life.

    2- We think we are going to live forever.

    3- We can not imagine A LIFE after * we * die.

    4- * Death means the spirit GOING out OF the body.

    5- But HOW(?) can identify the spirit, AND what is the spirit?

    6- EVEN Modern medicine CAN not determine what IS the cause of the paradox of human life.

    7- The US has examined the cause of death for the elderly.

    8- But they did not reach A good result.

    9- Some people die while they are playing and some PEOPLE die because they fall ill.

    10- * Death IS A so horrible creature(?), even * Animals hate death.

    11- For example, * When AN ELEPHANT feels close to death, HE will WALK AWAY ALONE, far AWAY from OTHER animals and * die there.

    12- For me, I AM not AFRAID OF death because I do ONLY GOOD things * in my life .

    13- So, I AM not AFRAID OF death because I will go to the best place after I DIE.

    14- What about you? Are you afraid of death? Do yo hate to hear the WORD, death?

    15- In my country, * after * death, A PERSON is placed in a hole after washing his body. What ABOUT your country? What do they do with THE body?
